CHIEF EDITOR: dr hab. Adam Kula, prof.

DEPUTY EDITOR: prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Tuszyński

ASSISTANT EDITOR: mgr Urszula Dulęba-Zgała


dr inż. Mirosław Pysz

dr Elżbieta Trzyna

dr Andrzej Markowski

mgr Agata Romańska-Kistela

Health promotion:
dr Małgorzata Kwaśniak

Health promotion and ecology is a six-monthly scientific periodical dedicated to promoting health and ecology issues. The texts designed for publication will be classified to one of the following paper categories:

  • of scientific research character
  • based on views
  • programmatic-methodological
  • historical
  • casuistic
  • reviews, raports, announcements
  • translations
  • letters to the Editor

The Editorial Section accepts to print only the original papers, so far unpublished. In case of approval of the work to print, the Author undertakes to hand over to the Publisher the copyright concerning the given article and since the moment of approval they are oblidged not to reveal the article content until it is published in our periodical. The publication of the article in another magazine is possible only with the consent of the Editor. Papers sent to print are subject to an assessment of the reviewers. The Editorial Section takes the preliminary assessment of the texts. Papers that do not meet the basic requiremants of the publication will be rejected and sent back to their Authors without the essential evaluation. Papers accepted for publication by the Editorial Board will be submitted to the reviewer (or reviewers at the discretion of the Editor).