The work should be sent in digital form, saved in .doc, .odt or .rtf format in an attachment to the editors’ e-mail address.
In the paper the following should be considered:
- full name of the Author (Authors), the first Author should provide the exact address, phone number, place of employment and a taken position
- the title of the paper in Polish and English
- the summary in Polish and English (the size of about 150 words)
- key words in Polish and English (3 – 5 words)
- the volmes of the text – up to 21 600 of characters
- the whole paper (including tables, drawings and literature) taking into account these instructions may not exceed the volumes of 12 A4 format pages.
- Photographs (colour or black and white) digitally prepared at min. 225 dpi .tif, .eps or .jpg format. As refers the .jpg format, the image compression of the picture should be set to maximum quality.
- Drawings (colour or black and white) should be made in the digital form in min. 225 dpi to 300 dpi (preferred) resolution.
- The total size of photographs and figures in the digital form sent by e-mail may not exceed 10 megabytes.
References should be palced at the and of the paper. The titles should be numbered according to the order of books cited in the paper. When citing books, apart from the author(s) and the title one should provide the name of the publisher and the place and year of publication.
Kasperczyk T., Kmak S.: Masaż punktowy i inne metody refleksoterapii. Kasper, Kraków 1995.
When citing books with the editor one should aditionally present the editor (editors) and the title of the chapter.
Kasperczyk T., Mucha D.: Refleksoterapia [W:] Masaż z elemantami rehabilitacji. Red.: R.Walaszek, Rehmed, Kraków 2000.
A bibliography note of the cited periodical should cover:
Author (Authors) of the article
title of the article
name of the periodical
year of publication
number of the periodical
number of the page (page range)
Kasperczyk T., Walaszek R.: Strategie postępowania w terapii manualnej. Fizjoterapia polska 2001, nr 2, s. 173-178.
Pages should be provided to all items in case of quoting, but only in the text.
The Internet entries must be given after the copyright items with a consecutive numbering.
Internet sources:
1. (data pobrania: 28.08.2010)
The Editorial Section reserves the right to adapt the received materials for the needs of the periodical, make alterations and abstracts of the text without the consent of the Author
The address of the Editorial Office and the Publisher:
Al. A. Grottgera 1, 30-035 Kraków POLAND