Patryk Damian Rewaj, Urszula Rewaj

Introduction. Ethical problems and dilemmas in medical science with special reference to gynaecology. The concept of abortion currently arouses much emotion. It seems appropriate to delve deeper into the subjectin order to carry out in-depth research in this area. Many health professionals have dilemmas related to abortion, and many of these dilemmas are rooted in their belief system.

Aim. This paper will reflect on the dilemmas of abortion and the attitudes of the main religions towards it.

Conclusions. Most religions oppose abortion with varying degrees of intensity resulting in ethical dilemmas for believing professionals working in the field of abortion.There are provisions in both the medical and psychotherapeutic codes of ethics to stop providing assistance that interferes with the specialists’ worldview.

Keywords: abortion, ethical dilemma, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, gynaecology, psychotherapy

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